Hidden fees of owning a home
You’ve decided that it’s time to buy your first home; Congratulations! It’s such an exciting milestone in anyone's life and should be as effortless as possible.
Ever thought about diversifying your investments?
When it comes to financial management, no single investment will continually outperform all other investments all of the time. To minimise potential losses and to smooth
Interest Rates
While we understand banks charge interest on their home loans, exactly what determines the rate? Should we be worried that interest rates will spike higher in the years
The effect of rising inflation
The word ‘inflation’ doesn’t only dominate business news headlines, but finds its way into general news reports too. So, what is inflation and how does it affec
Demystifying loan jargon
Planning to apply for a loan but confused by the myriad of banking jargon? You're not alone. Many people struggle to understand loan terms and the multitude of acronyms
What happens when interest rates increase?
It’s hard to imagine taking out a home loan with an interest rate of 17% per annum or higher, yet that was the reality for homebuyers in the late 1980s and early 1990s
5 tips to survive a decline in income
Since precautionary measures were heightened to slow the spread of COVID-19, almost 1 million Australians have lost their jobs. According to the Australian Bureau of Sta
Sarah and Tom’s insight on Government stimulus package
Sarah Grunberger and Thomas Perrett at Enrizen have provided an overview of the Government stimulus package and what kind of support it can provide to individuals, house
Why 2020 could be your year to buy property
If you have been thinking about making the leap from renting to purchasing property, 2020 might be the time. Following a drop in property prices, the market once aga